Sunday, April 19, 2009

Are Free Tools Worth The Price?

I absolutely believe that Web 2.0 tools can be a valuable addition to any lesson. Students become motivated when they are using technology because it's part of their everyday lives. Incorporating these tools into the classroom not only makes sense but it is essential in keeping students engaged and class material relevant.

I frequently use web 2.0 tools to enhance my health lessons. For instance, students use to research related topics, play games, take quizzes and watch movies related to systems of the body and nutrition, etc. There are many sites that I use to help support learning of nutrition such as,, I also use google docs, quicktopic to name a few.

David Warlick describes how "an authentic audience provides a sense of purpose for the students. Knowing that someone other than just one teacher is reviewing and appreciating their educational products motivates students to provide best quality products." I believe this to be a great point as I have noticed when we do projects that will be seen by others the students really get into it. For instance, we are working on Anti-Tobacco and alcohol advertisements that will be digitally recorded and edited in IMovie. Then the students can post their videos on TeacherTube. My students are really excited about the idea of others being able to access and view their commercials online.